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[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] No vulgarities
[#o5] Leave if you're unhappy

The Girl

Clare' aka Clarice (欣阳)
` ChongFu Pri Sch
` Canberra Sec Sch
` 1e4'o5 <3
` 2e4'o6 <3
` 3e1'o7
` 4e1'o8
` Scorpio
` Female(Of course)
` Fan Tong xD
` "Mother" of 4 "adopted" daughters =X
` NPCC Cadet
` NPCC Senior NCO
` Just me :)

God ♥♥♥
Animals =3
The Verdict

<2nd Blog
<Canberra NPCC Blog
<FAITHangelx website
<YJC CTG 111
Chin Chang
HuiYing(Group 3 ATC)
Ian Wong (Aplha)
Peng Hui
|| ShaWn ||
Thamhin[blog 1]
Thamhin[blog 2]


Layout ©

ME. kynzgerl
CODES. manikka
The 2 paper heart: moargh.de
Thursday, December 28, 2006

as u noe i have caught a cold and have sorethroat =/
and somemore meeting meiqi they all to go out today lolz.
first thing meet them i told them(using sign language) i cldnt speak haha coz i "no voice"
den meiqi was like "mummy! must go drink lots and lots of water hor! "
is like she become my mummy liao LOLs
den the whole day i was like quiet quiet de.
i didnt start speaking until when we went out of the orchard mrt den walk walk halfway passing taka den got this erm grp of ppl er like erm "donation"
den the guys saw us den all tried to speak to one of us budden most of us run away except for me lols.
coz im not used to ignoring ppl i dun noe when they approach me. its rude o.o xD
if i did ignore i wld feel veri bad after tt lolz.
anyway this guy came to me den toktok say giv him 20 secs to tok.
den he tok halfway den say " u look very pretty today u noe"
den i was like "errr..thx? o.O"
den he said "seriously "
den he just continue toking toking abt the whole thing.
den tell me go call my frenz
meiqi they all looking at me and i look at them like asking for their help lolz.
den they came la.
he told us somethin like" pls , we just came out frm boy's home. pls help us"
first tot of him was "mmm..wow. he seems to be determined to change for the better and carry on living a better life. he must have learned frm his mistake."
den we each donated $1.
den he again said i look very pretty again den after tt we continue walking towards our destination.
den walk a few steps more the same guy ask for my number.
guess guys wld nv lose their nature lol.
shan jimmy they all look at me sia.
den i was like panicking o.o
in the end i gave him my number lol.
first guy hu approaches me tt i ever gave my number to lol.
ok i noe my eng abit jialat there xD.
den we walk to the cinema there le he alreadi started to sms me.
den i go show shan.
den we sms here and there.
his name is Veto lols.
i noe, not a common name.
after tt sms finish le den me meiqi they all went to buy the tickets den watch death note 2.
the show was so funny.
especially the god of death o.O
loves apples -.-
during the movie i was coughing like mad xD
after watching the movie we went to take neoprints and saw penny they all.
den we went bak to taka and bought some octopus balls to eat lol. (those wif dirty minds ,i noe wad u all are tinking xD)
den shan went to work.
i went bak home and jimmy meiqi jose hux and sihao go bugis do duno wad thing. lol
and now here i am at home.
sniffing like mad.
rubbing my nose xD.
wearing a jacket =/
and typing this post lol.

went to shuffle de guild master de bbq ytd lol.
was quite fun la.
i met wif shan first den we go meet the rest at pasir ris mrt.
den all meet liao we went to pasir ris park.
we rented a bicycle each.
grace didnt noe how to cycle so she just sat on shawn's bike and they cycled away lolz.
den we all cycle until duno where.
the slope and all tt lol.
den everytime we cycle fast and there wld be a huge puddle there it wld all splash on our backs and we wld be full of mud xD
den after tt we sian le den go swing around and play play at the "playground" nearby lol
den we sian le so decided to return the bicycle.
return liao den when we walk bak it started to rain.
den it was like so dam cold lols
wif the wind blowing and all tt.
me phylis shan grace jeslin kath and lele go cuddle up together to make ourselves warm lols
den when rain over liao we went over to the beach.
den play play there .
after tt we walk thru the muddy grassy area and went to the toilet to clean ourselves up lol.
den after tt we went to eat the food.
the fried rice and bee hoon was cooked by wj de papa lol
veri nice wor.
shld rate it 10/10 =x
den after tt we went to the "playground" again
den we play wif the thing which looks like a er flyin saucer.
we all sit at one side.
den the guys go start to spin it.
den we were like feeling giddy lol.
den tt toot shawn go spin until so fast we were screaming our heads off.
spin spin den shawn say his fren hit me so i fell down xDD.
and ow =/
but of course i was alright lolz
i didnt noe tt he hit me sia xD
shawn say his fren spin and spin budden cannot "shoo" on time so hit me den i fell off =x.
den after tt we went bak to the bbq pit there and sang bdae song for weijun(acicola).
den ate cake and all tt.
and love~ the sausage with cheese~ lols
me shan and phylis eat it until duno wad xD
after tt while we were eating one of the guys wan ask for my number -.-
den after tt giant(well tt was wad they call him) oso wan ask for my number.
den i duno hu liao.
somemore drop down the bus on the way home den the anQiiWarrior go call frozequist or huever den he go pass the phone to me den anqii go ask for my number -.-
den i told him in maple den tell lolz
den me and shan and grace go taxi stand there.
as it was like 9-10++ alreadi and it was veri late so it wasnt exactly safe so we took taxi lolz.
den the taxi driver brought me to my house there first den bring shan home.
i gave shan $10 to pay for the fair den the rest she pay.
when i came bak i bathe and do all those stuff den went to sleep.
i fell asleep once i touch the bed sia xD
den a few ppl sms me =/
some unknown ppl.
maybe weijie or shawn go giv them my number sia zzz
den i duno hu on earth is tt.
den jes go sms me ask me hu go ask for my number.
den i too tired wad den i say "aiya tmr den say la. now veri tired"
den she say ok den stop smsing lor.
frankly speaking i oso duno hu wanted my number lolz.
i onli noe anqii and "giant" wanted.
weijie somemore ask whether he cld giv the rest my number coz they all asking -.-.
i of course say no la lol.
anyways was superbly tired.
so yea, i fell asleep xD
it was a great day though it rained =x.
and becoz of tt i have caught a cold and a sorethroat today xDD.

Monday, December 25, 2006

great, another misunderstanding =.= wonder how long will the whole "fight" last -.-
1. we didnt giv u a chance to explain and we r sry for tt. (look im alreadi apologising but did u?)
2. ive nv had any harsh feelings towards regina so u can stop bein so angry abt tt.
3. 2 yrs in class may not be enuff time to surely understand u
but u said tt u noe us veri well and u claim tt we have the so-call "dun care" attitude.
Do u even realli understand us in the first place? dun realli understand den keep ur gap holes SHUT.
tts right, im getting irritated abt the whole situation alreadi.
4. u DID say tt we r hurting u. so stop making lies and stop acting like ure the onli victim.
all 4 points given to u.
all 4 points true.
all 4 points are the points that u should start tinking abt , start calming down and stop blaming others.
im alreadi being calm abt the whole situation.
did u see me screaming at u at the tagboard or scream even in my blog abt u?
but did u?
i cant deny tt i have been toking abt the past to u.
but i said tt becoz i nid u to reflect on wad u have been doin b4.
wad u did wrong and wad u did right.
why were there happy moment and why were there unhappy moments.
i noe,
i oso nid to reflect on wad i have been doin and i did.
im not part of the gang hu is ganging up against u.
though u did say nasty stuff to me.
im realli being calm abt the whole thing.
but i have my limits too ok?
no matter how much things i type in my posts which wld help u to reflect,
no matter how calm i can be,
u will always start typing bak a few excuses and a few things just to cover the dmg u have done,
and there wld be ppl screaming at me when im not even attacking u.
even regina screamed at me alreadi.
but i realli have nth against her coz i noe she did tt becoz ure her bs and she onli wants to help.
u alreadi shld be grateful for tt.
all u have been doin all this while was blaming urself and finding fault in others.
y cant u just stop doin wad ure doin and start apologising?
im not the one screaming or blaming u or wadever but still im apologising for wadever wrong u see in me.(even though ur defination of "wrong" is different)
wadever things u tink i did wrong but i tink i did the right thing,
im still apologising for it.
but wad abt u?
have u even start apologising to anyone at all?(other than ur bs and some other frenz who got involved in this)
u tink ure not arrogant.
pls take a look at urself in the mirror and ask tt question again.
alot of the ppl i knew hu knew abt u agreed wif me tt u ARE arrogant.
do u even noe wad is the meaning of arrogant in the first place?
dun understand the meaning of the word go find a ENGLISH dictionary and find out wad is the meaning.
nxt time dun understand the meaning of the word dun anyhow go shoot ppl.
and u totally do not understand my previous post at all.
im alreadi trying to make my words SIMPLER for u to understand.
but still u cant even understand wad im trying to say.
im not saying my eng is perfect.
just to let u noe,
if u still tink,
tt ur attitude does not suck,
i realli have nth else to say.
stop using the excuse of "trying another method like wad u did on ur frenz and bs" and all those stuff.
pls la
if u did tt method on ur bs and frenz by using tt suckish attitude i realli duno how they can tahan.
and oso
ure saying tt we were(past tense) NOT ur frenz in the first place and u wan to use tt method so tt we wld BE ur frenz(present tense).
i noe u dun understand wad im trying to say.
if u dun understand call someone translate it for u.
i am alreadi getting pissed by the fact tt u attacked me when i have alreadi turned u down and still helping u although im no longer ur fren anymore.
- ure unreasonable
- when a girl rejects u it doesnt mean tt she will start going against u and attack u frm behind.
u see,
im not saying abt the past.
even now ure still backstabbing ppl.
ppl like me.
i dun mean to continue saying all ur bad points and all tt.
but u realli have to do something abt it.
dun tell me and the others the same old sentences like,
"u guys just ,,, do this to me during christmas... i am blank"
"u guys nv give me a chance to talk to explain just keep on talking abt the past, saying, i get worst and worst, oh crap, i wan to use another method or way to treat u guys just as how i treat my bs firends, BUT WHEN I WANTED TO FIND A TIME TO TRY OUT, U GUYS JUST KEEP ON TAGGING, ME BLOG, SCREAMING, scolding, SAYING abt the PAST, DO U THINK I LIKE IT, I AM ALSO KEEPING QUIET, BUT NT RUNNING AWAY,"

Do YOU tink we like it when we kip on telling u, reminding u of the past and to change for the better.
ure not the onli victim here joseph.
we r victims too.
i noe ure gonna start replying this post and some other posts abt u.
wad i advice is,
STOP doin it.
all u have to do is,
LISTEN and ACCEPT the fact tt u HAVE to change ur attitude and the way u TINK.
all of this nids to end.
once again im typing in another long post for u to read.
feeling hurt again?
if u do im sry,
but its onli for ur OWN good.
and im prepared for more screamings aiming at me -.-
but i do NOT regret doin it.
dun waste my time by typing in posts just to help u reflect.
this is the 4th post alreadi.
start tinking and stop blaming.
it is best to find one fault in urself than to find a thousand more in others.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

joseph,buck up on the way u type in ur post.
i alreadi see a phrase tt realli disturbs me and i dun even noe whether u typed it on purpose or was it a typo or wadever language u used to express urself.
"i did wan to break u guys promise"
tt was wad i saw.
dun believe go ur post there see.
all those quotes or phrases i have been explaining abt in my previous and present post are all copied frm ur post.
so u shld noe im not making it all up.
like i said,dun believe go there see.
u can even ask ppl the meaning of ur phrases.so im not lying abt ur phrases.
and note,i read ur posts and understand them in english/singlish and not any other languages.
so if my defination of ur phrases is different it just means i can nv understand wad u r writing and just kip on hinting wad r u trying to say.
and doesnt getting negative remarks frm ppl makes u wana feel like becoming a better person?
so ure just gonna sit down there and let ppl continue to giv negative remarks and make more hurting events to happen.
stop being a foolish jerk by siting down there and doin nth.
start doin wads right and dump away all the attitude.
if u realli dun wanna do it,
it means tt u realli are a failure in life.
im NOT saying u r one NOW.
but u WILL be one if u just continue being a jerk.
i onli can say until here.
the rest is all up to u.
it wun be my or everyone else's fault if u become a jerk then.
it wld be urs.
ure the master of ur destiny.
u choose to be jerk den u wld become one.

look, all i ever wanted to do was to make joseph become a better person and make him tink abt wad he has been doin.
i noe im at fault too.
in the first place since when did i ever put all the blame on him?
i noe,
im the one hu started all the fight and all tt.
but tts becoz i dun even noe how to get the msg to him tt his attitude is getting frm bad to worse.
if i dun do this u tell me wad on earth wld wake him up.
we tried toking to him but he didnt change at all.
and im not trying to hurt joseph wif such things.
im onli preventing him frm making mistakes which everyone does.
we are still young but some of us already wan to look for gf and bf.
so sometimes,
me and my frenz have to do stuff to hurt him in order to wake him up.
it is not tt we wan to do it on purpose.
it is onli for his own gd.
we humans naturally take things for granted.
most of the time we nid ppl to do it the hard way than we wld listen.
we already tried doin the ez way on him but obviously he didnt listen.
den u tell us wad other choice did we have?
we let him choose the ez way out but he didnt want it.
instead he started to backstab my fren diyana and begin to use the dam f word.
and then as days and weeks went pass he became more arrogant.
wadever things i did wrong or wadever stuff i did tt cause any mishaps to anyone at all ,
i wld accept the fact tt i did it,
im in the wrong and i wld take responsibility for my actions.
but frankly speaking,
joseph was the one at fault for losing those tt he lost.
we just cld not take his attitude anymore.
he was the one tt chased us out of his life.
we were alreadi tolerant wif him but he took advantage of it.
it isnt our fault if we leave him becoz of tt.
if he still doesnt reflect on wad he have done but continue to use his suckish attitude i realli have nth to say.
if he realli wants to change he wld have done so and if we still didnt see the result we still wld have seen tt he is trying.
but no effort was seen alright?
i noe he is tired,
but ever heard of endurence?
if he was willing to change he wld have endured all the tiredness he had and continue to change for the better.
but he DIDNT endure and let his "tiredness" take over him.
i wld nv noe wad he has been doin and wad he has been tinking.
all i can depend on is wad i have been seeing.
yes i noe
another long post for joseph's best fren.
but these are all the thoughts i have now.
there r still many more to say but i tink u shld have gotten the whole idea by now.

Friday, December 22, 2006

To the guy hu so called replied to my post, hear this :
firstly , i may be wrong abt u being bz abt ur blogskins and im sry abt not noeing u too well
secondly, y shld u be confused when the answer is alreadi right infront of ur face
and thirdly i didnt ignore him, if i did i wld not even write anything abt him on the paper on the last day of atc, and i did replied wadever things he said during the camp.
i noe he is still waiting for me or wadsoever
i tried being frenz wif him again BUT obviously it didnt work out
i didnt wan to make the same old mistake again
just to let u noe
every single time i make frenz wif a guy and if i get too close and personal to him he can begin to even start doin stuff which i tink u shld noe and starts misunderstanding the whole just-a-fren thing.
81% of the guys i made frenz wif always react like tt
tts y im scared ok
i dun mean to start having war wif the guys hu do stuff just to force me to like them
i didnt wan to do it but u guys forced me to react tt way
onli guy i noe hu really understands the whole just-a-good-fren thing is Edmund
he realli can understand how ive been thru and wad msg am i trying to giv
and dun be confused on loving me or not
u dun realli have to love me.
we were no longer the gd old frenz we were anymore.
if u cant even make it to be my fren den how can u even tink abt starting a relationship wif me.
i noe,
u wan this u wan tt
sometimes those things tt u wan just dun come without hard work
life is not an ez thing to live in
gd things dun just come whenever u wan them to appear.
oya and this quote:
"if i had a little chance left or none, please be another stranger of mine"
wads up wif tt quote man.
so ure saying i MUST giv u a HUGE opportunity den i can be ur fren or wadsoever la
just let me tell u this
i dun like to be pushed around unnecessary
if ure telling me tt i must do tt just to be frenz wif u
den i shld say
4get it
those kind of ppl r not realli frenz to me
it is like ure forcing me to be frenz wif u or maybe even forcing me to even BE wif u
this is not a romantic movie wif 2 guys doin stupid stuff just to get tt one gal WHEN there r millions of gals out there.
this is reality
get real.
and i may image how they feel but nv realli understand how they realli feel
just let me ask u this
no one can realli understand how others reali feel except themselves.
it is like the teacher tells u tt ure top in class or somethin but u react like u dun care or somethin when actually u r jumping like mad happily inside.
so we have to depend on image and not understanding
unless u tell me u can read ppl's minds
dun come and tell me u can understand how ppl realli feel
if u did we wld be frenz by now AND u wld not have lost those other frenz u made b4
ppl make mistakes
no one is perfect
the real mistake we make is when we dun wan to correct our mistakes we did b4 and continue doin the wrong thing
i myself am trying to do wad is right and not make the same mistake again
i wld onli be a fool if i continue doin the wrong thing which wld make everyone miserable.
and i shall repeat this
u DUN have to love me
its fine wif me if those guys like me and all those stuff
but by forcing me,
tt wld be crossing the line.
and if u realli define the feeling u have for me as love
i wld have been swept off my feet already.
to me ur feelings for me is NOT love
its just a simple feeling called admire.
so u can stop trying to get me or anything.
those little schemes wun work.
there r many other gals out there.
dun kip clinging on the one and onli me.
im just an ordinary gal hu somehow happen to be the one ure attracted to.
sooner or later ull find the girl ure looking for.
and by tt time ull realize tt im not the one ure looking for since the beginning.
wad im trying to say is,
dun try to love tt someone and WANT tt someone to love u so much when she doesnt tt u start doin stuff tt might ruin ur reputation.
its not worth it.
love is not onli on 1 person's side
its a 2 person thing
if u love me but i dun love u den wads the point of tinking abt starting a relationship?
dun get me wrong.
i dun hate u
i just dun wan u to make the same old mistake i did.
its onli my job as a fren.
but too bad ure already losing me and wan me to be a stranger to u.
its fine wif me.
frm now on we r just squad mates or sch mates and nth else.
i'll onli tok to u if its abt NPCC or sch matters.
its just like talking for the sake of talking.
so u can 4get abt speaking to me abt other issues.
other ppl may still kip toking abt us ,
but somehow they will noe the truth and stop spreading rumours anymore.
i alreadi stated tt once u lose me its hard to get me bak.
if u realli wan to be frenz wif me again,
good luk wif tt.
Sayonara and good riddance!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

went to my cousin's house to celebrate her bdae today lols
well the whole party wasnt tt bad lols
den we ate lunch there
toktok here and there
cut cake
eat cake
play a few games
den goin off le my cousin gave each of us a small gift lols
1 small one for each individual and 1 bigger one for the whole family
if u realli love tt someone
u wld do anything to just win his or her heart
doin anything tt pleases him or her
dun assume tt things r gonna turn out the way u want it to be
just becoz u giv little hints here and there to tt someone u realli like doesnt mean tt u wld win his or her heart tt easily.
but like my nu'er said
if u dun noe y on earth ure in love wif tt someone, it shows tt u realli love him or her. lol
i myself dun even noe y i like tt guy -.-
i onli noe i like his character
but i dun tink tts the thing tt i admire abt him lols
i dun even noe whether ive realli fallen for tt guy
well we shall see soon lols
but right now of course ive not realli officially fallen for anyone
not a single guy xD
i just dun noe y its hard for me to fall in love -.-
after so many yrs den so-call finally found a guy i so-call hav feelings for
well wad i can say is
once uve lost me
its hard to get me bak
well most of the time it works tt way lol
just like my fren hu once had me but of course he wasnt reali serious enuff so i had to break up wif him and such
well i was young
i didnt noe wad i was doin haha
i was onli p4 when i had my veri first bf lolz
ever since then i didnt realli fall for any guy much
well if i did i wld go thru massive thinking b4 taking any action
well if u noe wad i mean lol
its like a spell cast upon me ever since tt day =/
huever breaks tt "spell" is truly the guy i have been looking for
sadly none have broken it yet lol
one guy is too bz being shy abt the whole thing
one too scared to even ask
one too bz wif his blogskins
one tinking and tinking and waiting for me to take action instead of him doin the job
one too proud of himself and assumes tt i wld somehow be attracted to him and ask him instead -.-
hopeless guys =/
and i just said HOPELESS
not happy come find me
even if u kill me u wld still be a hopeless guy
a pathetic love maker
a lousy understander
until of course u change
dun tell me u cant becoz u were so-called born to behave tt way
ppl change
if others can y cant u do it?
unless ure not a human bein of course
ok enuff of my famous one-of-my-crap-talks session
i shall end it here
cant wait for tmr's bbq
just hopes it doenst rain tmr -.-

Friday, December 15, 2006

oh my goodness! im in love again lols
well finally after many mths and yrs of adjustments,i tink ive finally found the guy i had been looking for. lol
wun tell ya hu he is xD
he is so much more sincere den the other guys ive met lol
though we have onli met 2 times xDDDD
but can tell he is a nice guy =/
if i always switch to the chat i wun be able to finish my post zz
nvm dun care u
i type finish my post den reply xDDD
dun tok abt the guy liao lol
went out wif meiqi shan jimmy eddu and jiehan to go buy the stuff needed for bbq
jimmy and the guys were late (as usual -.-)
they arrived onli 10 mins after the time we were suppose to meet at
guys -.-
anyway we bought stuff like chicken wings(2kg of them),duno wad wine and 2 bottles of green tea , otah and many more lols
we paid abt $48 for the stuff +
$10.50 more for the 2 packets of charcoal lol
den went to meiqi house put the stuff den on tt day meiqi and ziling and some other ppl wld go bring them to east coast xD
jimmy went to bring home the charcoal
so if on tt day he 4got to bring it den we dun nid to bbq liao lolz
-crapping in progress-
im a little crappy
-crapping ended-
well tt shld cover my boredness =/

Monday, December 11, 2006

just a few more posts and all my nov and oct and sept posts wld be gone xDD
and tt means
more crapping to be done xDD
first thing in the morning have tuition le =/
sad right -.-
budden its oso a gd thing la
coz afternoon can do wadever things i wan without having my tuition teacher coming out of nowhere and spoil my whole afternoon plans xD
every monday and wed
10am in the morning
and tt means i cant slp like a piggy on sundays and tuesdays
nxt yr gonna be a tough yr for me anyway
so might as well take this as erm training for nxt yr lols
it wld be like having npcc everyday -.-
all my discipline and stuff have to be there if not i wun be able to catch up lol
and the saddest thing tt happened was
not becoz she didnt meet the requirement or anything
is becoz the staff told her tt the appealing time over le -.-
y cant they just extend the time until like 20 dec! RAWR
guess my studying plans wif ziling is gone
but look at the bright side
she wld have more company in e2 den in e1
i wld be a lonely extra person in e1 haiz
dun be upset le ziling
its alright to fail,but it is not alright to fail and nv try again
actually the onli time u fail is when u stop trying
nv giv up!
at least ure in a pure sci class ler and tts wad u wanted ever since u entered canberra right?
so yea
u alreadi have achieved ur goal
but of course tt shldnt be ur onli goal
if u noe wad i mean lols
just jy nxt yr!
u can do well de!
i believe u can
so dun let mummy down wor xD
thousands of hugs and millions of kisses to Ziling! lols

Sunday, December 10, 2006

lalala~ writing as much posts i can in dec to erase all those not in dec de post away frm the page xDD
go down go down!~!! get away frm the page! RAWR~!
ok im just mad coz ive been eating alot of sugary stuff AND im losing alot of hair due to stress-.-
and nw its the holidays mind u -.-
nth much realli happened today lar
just went to church have some quiz here and there den folo my cousin de family go simlim sq.
go there oso duno do wad -.-''
and now my dear fren marcus is now telling me and shui Tong of a maple hack website lols
he say wan go there dl f3
bad boi~ lalalalalala
sit Marcus
Roll around
Play dead xDDD~!
Marcus plans to go use it on dota and cheat lols
and y am i telling all of Marcus's plans here xDD
i oso duno y
nth better to do
and now summer oso folowing Marcus to hack dota lols
comparing which hack is better =.=
wa u 2 veri bad lols
anyhow hack hack -.-
smack u 2 la
im writin alot of crap here
meow =/
oh and ziling wans to appeal to go bio lols
it wld be great if she can come join me eddu and shan
like tt we can study together den chiong xD
jy neh Ziling!
go try to go e1
if cannot go in becoz no more space le dun be upset ba
at least u noe u tried
nvm i dun care la
u cant go in i go find nagnag lady for u xD
den nag her go put u in =x
anyways ru6y is coming bak to sg on 7 jan 07 le!
now can meet him lols
and im sure lis cant wait to meet him xD
den they 2 can finally be together lols
aint tt romantic lols
summer and marcus still comparing hacks lolz
shld go smack their asses (if tts where their brains r stored,if not ill prolly just smack their heads xD)to wake them up -.-

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Marcus u tooooooott~~!!!!!
toot toot toot toot toot toot
feel like smacking u like hell RAWR
anyhow copy my things nia f3
ever heard of copyright law? f3
today went to sch for NPCC =/
the previous day everyone in my squad go send msg here and there abt the attire -.-
send until blur liao
so yea,
in the end bring culuottes(wadever u spell it) to sch just incase -.-
Diyana oso did the same thing lols
all those ppl hu came were all in trackpants
till one victim of the confusion entered the sch in sch shorts lols
Lawrence arr xD nxt time shld have some anti-confusion device thingy to prevent such things frm happening to u again lols
ok my internet is starting to lag abit liao lols
and i just earned a new name frm angel xD
"fantong" =x

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

meowmeow =/
nth better to say xD
today oso nth much happen lar -.-
just went on9
chit chat here and there
den become sian until can smash the keyboard xD
just went on9 in maple chat abit den log off lols
den wan dl audi patch oso cannot =/
play pko for a few mins sian liao
den after tt tok to angel marcus and cae =/
toktok they all go maple liao den i sian den go off9 xD
den mq say wan go out on fri xD
go out for fun la coz so sian stay at home do nth. lols
zz too sian liao so im typing crap to take over my sianness~
apparently its not working =.=
wish there wld be a medicine to cure sianzation -.-

Friday, December 01, 2006

oh i almost 4got tt today is Eddu's bdae xD
ps la =X
Anyways happy bdae eddu!
u r like erm,,,,
lets see..1..2..3.
abt 337 days older than me xD
cant believe i actually counted huh -.-
Today is ur special day anddddd
i alreadi gav u ur present 28 days ago lols
so dun say i didnt giv u anything xD
15 yrs old alreadi wor....
nvm nvm still young xD
tho ure alreadi a great ah gong at the age of 14 =x
well i became a mother of erm lets see..1..2..3..
4 "adopted" children and alreadi an ah ma at the age of 14 xD
so now u tink hu older neh =/
ok la still u xD
nvm u still got like 10 yrs or maybe more till real marriage and like 40++ yrs till u become an ah gong and 20++more yrs till u become a real great ah gong lols
wow u can realli live tt long ? 0.0
i doubt i can xD
so still young la..
got a long journey ahead of ya
dun always dwell in the overwhelming darkness in ur head
start making ur head filled wif light
well u can start wif tinking of positive things each day xD
den each day every teenie weenie bit of tt darkness in ur head wld turn into somethin bright and colourful
kip on doin tt and one day ur head wld be filled wif erm colourful thingys and er shiny stuff er..yea o.o shiinnyy stuff xD
stay smart and pretty xD
wait can a guy be pretty? LOLS
yesh they can =x

( note to self: those high lighted words are those things tt represents ya ^^and if u put them together they form a sentence lols,well a sentence abt u of course xD )

woots so dam happy!
1st thing is my internet is no longer lagging like duno wad
2nd im a free lady
and MOST of all
Alfred is getting better xD
me and my frenz had been worrying for him for like the past few weeks and praying hard for his recovery =/
well our prayers were answered and we r all like mad little gers jumping around rejoicing over the recovery of a fren
he shld be out of the hospital by now,,well tt was wad he told me
for the pass few weeks all my frenz were so freakishly worried tt we sms him until our phone bills bust xD
And he is in Tokyo
can u imagine how much money we incurred -.-
Anyways the most important thing is tt he is getting better and recovering lols
below is his pic:

isnt he cute =x
well wif his specs he looks cute lols
Im a freeee gurl now lols
well i have always been free xD
Only sometimes some bz bodies just come out of nowhere and invade my life
u noe trying to put me wif another guy and all tt -.-
just to let u guys noe im NOT interested in the guy u all have been trying to put me wif AND
wif his "oh im so high and mighty and dun nid anyone's help and things are gonna happen the way i want it to be" attitude, there is definately no way am i gonna giv him a chance at all if he nids it
so yea, when im not interested im realli not interested,
im just as stubborn as my mum xD
well cant blame the genes passed down to me =/
im just me